Services for integration

We help people who have moved to Finland to integrate and find employment. A personal coach supports you in choosing services and finding employment.


Integration services in the early stages

  • You will receive guidance and advice on integration and employment.
  • An initial assessment will be carried out with you to find out what services you need. During the initial assessment, your personal coach will ask about your previous education and work history, your language skills and other factors affecting your situation. 
  • The personal coach will prepare an integration plan for you. The plan will include services and measures that promote your learning of Finnish or Swedish.


We offer support with

  • job search and writing job applications and CVs,
  • weighing options for career and educational choices,
  • finding and choosing services that promote employment, and
  • we will also guide you to other services, if needed.

You can access the services through your personal coach or by contacting the employment services guidance. Our goal is to help clients find jobs or study places.


Information and support for integration

There is a lot of help available for integration. This section provides information and useful links about services.

More information

