Apply for the school transport subsidy for 2022–23 now


Apply for school transport, a travel card or a taxi service through Wilma.

Nainen tieokoneen ääressä, taustalla muita perheenjäseniä

Koulukuljetusta ja matkakorttia haetaan Wlma-järjestemän kautta.

You can apply for the school transport subsidy if the distance between the child’s home and a local school designated by the municipality is 

  •  more than 5 km, grades 1–9 
  •  more than 3 km, grades 1–6, child in need of special support 
  •  more than 3 km, preparatory education, child under the age of 10 

The distance is calculated based on the shortest possible pedestrian route. Other criteria include the dangerousness of the route and health reasons. Educational and learning services determine the danger level of the route. Please provide a medical certificate for the relevant health reasons. 

School transport is generally organised through public modes of transport

The child receives their student travel card free of charge from the Vantaa Info centre, where you can also load the card.

A child who participates in weighted-curriculum education is entitled to a free student travel card if the criteria for granting the school transport subsidy are fulfilled as regards both the local school and the school that provides the weighted-curriculum education. 

Taxi service

A child may be entitled to a taxi service if they are unable to travel to school by foot or public transport. The child can also travel in one direction by taxi and in the other direction by public modes of transport. 

How to apply

Apply for school transport, a travel card or a taxi service through Wilma:

  • Grades 7–9, by 31 March 2022 
  • Grades 1–6, by 29 April 2022 
  • Child in need of special support, by 31 May 2022 or as soon as you know at which school the student will be enrolled in the fall 

You cannot apply through the Wilma app. If you are using a mobile device, log in to Wilma using your browser. You can also print out the application form if you have no access to Wilma:

For more information about filling in the application, please contact the school or Vantaa Info centre. Give the application to the school or Vantaa Info centre or send it to the school transport office: PL 1500, 01030 Vantaan kaupunki. 

Decisions on school transport can be viewed on Wilma. Upon the guardian’s request, the decision may be sent to the child’s home address by post. 

Drop-off subsidy 

If a child must be dropped off to school by the family car, the guardian may be entitled to a drop-off subsidy, which is paid as a kilometre allowance. 

Learn more about school transport:


Primary schoolsSchool transport