Participation in the preparation of local detailed plans

Planning is a multi-stage process in which people and businesses in the region can participate. The planning process begins with a participation and assessment plan.

Ihmisiä tutkimassa kaavoituksen pienoismallia.

Those affected by the plans can participate in the preparation of local detailed plans by expressing their opinions on the plans. This means parties whose housing, employment or other conditions may be significantly affected by the plan, including residents of the district or neighbouring area, businesses and employees, landowners, residents’ associations and other associations, as well as the authorities.

The planning begins

A landowner or the municipality can apply for a local detailed plan or an alteration to the local detailed plan. The applicant should be in contact with the district architect before applying for a detailed plan or an alteration. Elected officials will decide on the creation of a new local master plan.

The local detailed plan and master plan are included in the land use planning programme. A planning review is compiled based on the land use planning programme. The review includes the names, short descriptions and progress of the plans. The planning review is published in the City of Vantaa’s Asukaslehti magazine, which is distributed to every home in Vantaa. Read the Asukaslehti magazine (in Finnish).

The planning process starts with a participation and assessment plan (PAS). It provides information on the premises and goals of the planning, impact assessment, the state of preparation and decision-making, as well as participation in the planning process. The participation and assessment plan also provides information on the how the planning process will be communicated.

Studies to support land use planning are often needed, such as noise, transport and nature studies.


In addition to the urban planning personnel, other personnel within the department also participate in the preparation of a local detailed plans, including employees of municipal engineering and business services, as well as other representatives of the various departments of the City of Vantaa. The landowner and their representatives, such as the consulting architecture agency, participate in the work.

A proposal of the local detailed plan is drawn up based on the opinions received from the participation and assessment plan and the updated information.

If the plan is significant, a draft of the local detailed plan is prepared. The draft plan proceeds in the same way as the plan proposal. From the Urban Planning Committee, the plan progresses to the Vantaa City Executive Board. The City Executive Board puts the plan on display, and it is possible to protest or give a statement about the plan. The draft will return to the planner, and the work towards a plan proposal will be continued.

The proposal is be submitted to the Urban Planning Committee. The proposal may be returned to be prepared again, tabled for processing at a later meeting, or it can be approved. After the approval, the Urban Planning Committee proposes to the City Executive Board that the plan is put on display. The City Executive Board can also put the plan proposal on display. In such cases, the City Executive Board has the option to execute its power to reconsider.

The plan proposal is on display for 30 days or for 14 days if the plan changes are considered minor. 


The person responsible for preparing the plan writes responses to the statements and protests and revises the proposal if necessary. If the revisions are significant, the proposal is again put on display. The decision-making bodies may also decide to return the plan for further preparation.

The City Executive Board approves the responses to protests and statements. The plan is approved by the City Council. Plans of minor significance are approved by the Urban Environment Committee.

After the approval of a plan, there is a 30-day appeal period during which it is possible to appeal against an approved local detailed plan.

Entry into force

The plan can be appealed to Helsinki Administrative Court for a month and further to the Supreme Administrative Court.

If the decision to approve the plan is not appealed, the local detailed plan will enter into force after the appeal period closes with an announcement published on the city's website.

If a plan has been appealed, the plan will enter into force if the appeal is rejected. In such cases, the local detailed plan will enter into force after court proceedings with an announcement.

Implementation planning will start after the entry into force.