Mobile youth work supports a safe environment



ResidentsYoung peopleStudentsPupils

The most important party when dealing with matters relating to young people is their home. Multidisciplinary work can provide support where it is needed.

Tikkurilan asemalla seisoo kaksi nuorisotyöntekijää, joilla siniset takit, joissa Nuorten Vantaa -teksti.


Mobile youth work supports a safe environment in places where young people spend their free time – places such as malls, schoolyards, shopping centers and stations. The goal is also to reach out to young people who do not visit youth centers and build trust over time through positive encounters. If necessary, youth workers will help and guide young people who need support. Multidisciplinary work can provide support where it is needed.

The regional youth workers are mostly deployed during the evenings and weekends, three times a week on average. Youth workers are also deployed in larger groups for events such as school closure parties.

You can identify mobile youth workers by their blue or black jackets and logos reading “Nuorten Vantaa” (Vantaa for Youth) or “Nuorisotyö raiteilla” (The Youth Work on the Railway).

Tackling problems requires cooperation

For some time now the media has been reporting on gang activity among young people and the increasing instances of violent crimes committed by them. Young people who are involved in crimes are usually dealing with issues related to mental health, substance use or insecurity, which can manifest themselves as violence. However, we rarely hear about completely new gangs of young people that would raise concerns.

Families and young people may find these news concerning. For this reason, it is important to talk to your teenager at home about safe ways to spend their free time and use social media, for example. If you are concerned about your teenager’s wellbeing or changing behavior, you can ask for support or advice from youth workers, teachers or other professionals working with young people at a low threshold, in addition to social services.

You can learn more about specialized youth work in the City of Vantaa at


This article was published in Resident magazine 1/2023. Read the other articles on the resident magazine home page!


Residents' magazine1/2023